Wednesday, October 20, 2010

l o s t i n t r a n s l a t i o n

You confuse me so much. I have no idea why your so upset that has nothing to do with you. It has to do with me and an old friend. I understand your concerned, I understand you don't want me to get hurt. But I don't understand why you can't just be happy. I don't understand why you sound like you want to kill yourself. There is no reason for you to be acting like this.

Your mad because several events happened in the past that hurt me. Guess what, that's the past. Not now. This is present time, and things are different. People are different. Hell, even I'm different. I know what I'm doing and I'm not stupid.

I just wish you'd trust my judgement a little better. I mean this is putting a strain on us for no reason. And I don't like it. I want to talk to you so bad, but I can't talk to you when your like this. It just makes me more upset and angry.

I love you so much, and I'm sorry for being pissy about this. But really, get over it.
Your a huge part of my life, and your not going anywhere, it may be your business, since I think my business is your business and vice versa, but really. You shouldn't be so upset.

I love you, never forget.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

looking back

Looking back on all these posts from the last year. I've learned something.
I've changed alot. Like, alot alot.

Its weird. When I thought I was happy, I actually wasnt. I thought all these random boys made me happy, when all they really did was make me a mess. I'm happy I found Chris. He put me back together. Cliche, I know. But it's kindof true. I haven't thought about alot of these events since last year. But just for the record. I WAS NOT HAPPY A YEAR AGO. Well, I guess I was, but not as happy as I am now. December 26th 2009 was the changing point that made me happy. Thanks assholes for tricking me into shit.

But thank you Chris. I love you<3

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

what did i do to deserve?

I'm so happy that nothing is the same as last year.

Last year I thought was good. I remember this time last year, I thought I was happy and everything was great, but really I was tricked into thinking I was cared about when really I wasn't. This year is totally different. I have someone that cares about me unconditionally and someone I can just be myself around. I know times are rough sometimes, but honestly, I can never lose you. I couldn't handle it.

Your everything I've ever wanted. Your everything I need. Your everything I want.
Please love me forever. Just like I'll love you. Lets grow old together, and be little old
people reminicing about when we were young. Lets just run away together when times
get hard, and remember why we love eachother. Lets just live everyday together like
its our last day together. <3

Christopher Sisneroz, I love you.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

n e v e r k n o w s b e s t

Its like I don't even know you anymore. I'm trying to remember the you I thought you were. The adorable you, the one who didn't get mad at me for everything. The one I could lay with for hours doing nothing except enjoying eachothers company.

I miss everything being so carefree and amazing. Right now I'm thinking of our hands entwined and our fingers interlocked. I'm thinking about your face, and how your brown eyes crinkle whenever your with me. When we're laying together and our heartbeats synchronize, and its just like one big giant heart, don't you remember? My favorite thing was waking up next to you, with your loving arms around me and just knowing you're there. I don't know what happened, we were so strong, now its like we're falling apart.

Don't you get that I need you? That your everything I've ever wanted? Now I don't even know what happened. Its like nothing I ever do is right anymore. I pick the wrong friends and I mess up all the time. You know its funny that your ex did all the same things, yet you'd stay with her even if she was fucking other guys. And if I'm even FRIENDS with a guy you can't trust it makes you want to break up with me.

I don't feel like me anymore. Everything hurts way too much. I want this, but I don't know if I can deal with this.

I love you, you know. But how long will you love me?

Friday, March 19, 2010

the perfect scene

I love being with you
I love the simplest things with you
I love when you wrap your arms around me
I love when you give me kisses
I love waking up next to you
I love hearing your voice while I fall asleep
I love when you buy me McDoubles
I love when your hand is in mine

I love you, more than anything